Monday, October 20, 2008

I set my clocks early

Cause I know I'm always late.

So this morning my alarm didn't go off. I woke up when my roommate came in at 9:10 which is when my first class starts. After much swearing and rushing and no shower or teeth brushing, I got to my class a smidgen before 9:20.

And that's the story of how I went to class gross.

My whole week is about to get so busy. I've got a couple moments of rest now, then some quality television tonight, (them Gossip Girls and Heroes knowhatimsayin?) but the rest of the week is buckle down study for the Thursday Ethics midterm madness! among other things. I've got like six meetings to go to, three of them I'm conducting interviews. Aaahhhh! Newspaper eats my life!

The weekend is gonna be super chill so that's nice.

This recently passed weekend was bomb. Saw my parents and my brother and my cousins and my grandparents and two new squishy babies. It was full of familial warmth. And shooting droids on my brother's Playstation. And climbing to the top of the Holiday Inn for the view from the fourteenth floor with my bestest friend in the whole wide world. And listening to complicated music.

So I was so happy with my weekend and I get to come back to this great school and these great classes which are awesome even when I'm unshowered and gross and half asleep. It's some good times.

Say, what are you waiting for?
Kiss her! Kiss her!

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