Sunday, July 25, 2010

13 Words: Taarradhin

So, I wrote this ten minutes ago, then got a snack, played two rounds of Robot Unicorn Attack, and went to the bathroom. Upon my return I have no idea what is going on, or how it applies to the word. But it's kinda neat and I dunno what I would write for this word besides. Something about chess maybe? Regardless, ten minutes ago I thought this was meaningful. I think it's me having a conversation with my younger self. The Taarradhin seems to be "There are children in the moon" so make of that what you will.

(Arabic): a way of resolving a problem without anyone losing face

A tugging on my sleeve. I look down to see wide eyes (teary) asking me about the stars. They ask me about Martians, about clouds, about the man in the moon.

These eyes want to see the whole world as a blue dot.

I can’t show them that world. I can show them oceans, I can show them skies, I can show them earth- not the entire little planet.

But would you look at the moon? There are children in the moon.

But would you look into space? There are galaxies in space.

Don’t tell me there is no center. There are children in the moon.

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