Thursday, April 30, 2009

I used to know this woman

Who had the most beautiful tattoos on the back sides of both of her hands.

So I'm just waitin' for a phone call, and I wish I had some of those skooshy (sp?) stress balls. Stuff is a-piling up again. What else is new. Story of my life. As usual King Friday.

I've been back at South a lot for the Reduced Shakespeare remount. I forgot how much I love theater. And running around in stupid wigs and sweaty dresses that rip and tear as I flail about the stage. Good times. And I learned something: I should do more theater. Watch out Hamline 09-10 season, I'm a come rock you.

Skoosh skoosh.

I've been working on my project for my English class, about Tricksters in Native American Oral Traditions. I picked up that Joseph Campbell Hero With a Thousand Faces thing, because I realized I've read a lot about Campbell's stuff, and never actually his stuff. I gotta tell you, reading about his theories is a lot more fun than actually reading him. Not only do we get his ideas, but we get in depth examples from myths which is cool until the third chapter and I'm like come on dude I get it. He's in a whale. Let's move on.

Skoosh skoosh.

My logic professor convinced me to take Intro to Computer Science next semester. I thought that'd be tight. Hey, I love logic, I love computers, maybe if I like it I could minor. Required for the minor though, Discrete Mathematics. Prerequisite for Discrete Mathematics, CALCULUS: sworn enemy of the galactic alliance. So yeah nvm, FTS.

Maybe I'll get some supernatural assistance and get swallowed by the Calculus whale.

Skoosh skoosh.

I have to get a real job this summer.

I have to write more. I'm getting lazy.

I have to work out more. I'm getting pudgy.

Skoosh skoosh.

Anywho, I used to know this woman that said "anywho" instead of "anyways" and it's stuck with me since seventh grade. Just in writing though. I have yet to actually say "Anywho" out loud.


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