Thursday, January 1, 2009

Because I Promised You I Would

You see, I'm feeling the New Years thing today.

Cause it's New Years.

I want to be all extra reflective and insightful right? Really meaningful and oh right on Paris, I remember all the good times we had in 2008 let's look on to the year ahead. But truth be told- I can't.

Have you heard that new All American Rejects tune?

Truth be told I miss you,
Truth be told

I don't like that song. I like WOMANIZER by Britney.

Boy, don't try to front. I know just- just... what you are. You are a womanizer. Womanizer. Oh.

But for real. I'm trying to be all remember-the-time but I can't. Dunno why. Maybe it's this sinus headache, maybe it's the nose that's running away from me, maybe it's my throat pain that's currently being smothered by these cherry lozenges, or maybe I'm not lying and truth be told I do miss you. I keep thinking of Sweeney Todd and that song Mr. Depp and that weirdo kid sing about Johanna. Why is that all I can think of is Sweeney Todd? Like... Really?

All the things that happened this past year. This passed year. All I can think about right now is shaving Alan Rickman. Actually that's a lie. I've got a Dashboard Confessional song stuck in my head too. Something about finding hair everywhere and screaming things at me, I don't understand what that guy is saying half the time.

Anywho, these things are in my head and dominating my thoughts on 2008. I'm looking ahead into the '09 (that's what the kids call it) and I am happy I think. I've got the nanowrimo induced foundations of a novel, plans for a comic book collaboration with my buddy, my second semester of college, and MAINE. But yeah, I think it's gonna be a pretty good year. Like when I was seventeen.

So that's my New Years post. I wonder what it's all about?


Unknown said...


uh huh girrfran.

Kelly Jo said...

This post made me feel really good (mostly because you appreciate Britney Spears as much as she should be appreciated), but it also made me feel really bad, because I have yet to write.

Tonight I am going to pretend it's still the first day of the year, and I am going to write. It'll be baller.