Sunday, February 22, 2009

My organs could WHAT?

So my bestest friend in the whole wide world came to visit me on campus the other day. We had some good times, but she told me something that disturbed me to no end.

Apparently if you sleep on your stomach a lot there's a chance your organs could peel away from your spine and you could have severe back problems or your heart could explode.


I sleep on my belly every night! It's so hard for me to get to deep dreamy slumber on my back or even my side! I love tummy sleep! It's so comforting and warm! And I get all wrapped up with my blanket on my back and it's so cozy! Now when I sleep all I can think about is if my organs are falling away from my spine and what if my back breaks or I lose organ functions or my heart explodes!


I don't even know if it's true or not. In all honesty it doesn't matter, because even if I learned that it wasn't truth beyond a doubt there would still be the underlying fear that it still could happen! It's really getting to me... And what about the way I sit? I am an avid sloucher, I know for sure that's bad for my back muscles. I crack my back sometimes out of bad habit, that can't be good for joints. What if there's something else about the way I sit or walk or stand or something that could cause stuff to peel away from other stuff or an essential organ to explode! I look at the ground a lot when I walk, what if my eyeballs fall out!?!?!?!?

Anywho, the point of the story is that I'm having trouble getting to sleep because I'm sleeping on my back now... Then again... If my organs could peel away, could they get smooshed into my spine too and impair something? What if my stomach gets smooshed into a pointy bone inside my body and pops and then I'll get filled with bile and ramen and my heart will explode!

And I thought I was stressed about my Logic quiz next week... Good thing I'm worrying about real stuff now...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dammit Jack!

I love 24. My favorite part is whenever Kiefer Sutherland goes "DAMMIT!" and hits somebody/thing/terrorist.

It's easy to look at the show and point out how crazy unnecessary half of it is. I like to flex my eventually English majored creative muscles and analyze the characters and themes.

Have you seen The Dark Knight? Sorry, stupid question, of course you have. You know how Batman is portrayed in that movie? That's Kiefer in 24, just instead of Gotham City it's America. Whatta BAMF. He's just trying so hard and everyone close to him gets killed by terrorists, but he just loves America so much- he can't stop, even while it destroys his life.

That's something you gotta respect at least on some level. When you believe in some thing or idea so much that you're willing to put your life on the line or on hold or just sacrifice your entire world in order to keep the dream alive. Nonviolence is a principle I've had drilled into me since I was old enough to know what violence was, and because of that I could never bring myself to join the army or such things, but I still have a deep respect for people who belive in something so strongly as to do something like that. Sometimes I wish I did have a strong faith or belief in an idea so far that I could make a sacrifice like that. It's almost like my life is lacking.

I do feel like I could make that Jack Bauer sacrifice for a person. There are certain people I love that I'd be willing to sacrifice everything for, but here's my question: After feeling this strongly about somebody, how are you supposed to just let that person go and live their life? Like Rhi-Rhi...

So the boat is sinking, Kate Winslet needs to take a cue from Frou Frou, (WAT?) and sometimes life is complicated like Facebook.

Anywho, I just wanted to say that I think it's impossible to do that completely. Maybe I won't hold your hand, but when I say friends forever, you can still call me whenever.